Download Adobe Illustrator CC [Windows & Mac]

Developer Adobe
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Size 2.02 MB
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Download Adobe Illustrator CC Latest Version for Windows and Mac – Do you know that millions of designers and artist around the world use Adobe Illustrator CC to create everything dealing with their art-working ranging from web icons and product packaging to billboards as well as book illustration? If you don’t know about this yet, then you must provide 5 minutes of your time today to read this review to check whether or not this software is considerable.

Adobe Illustrator CC
Adobe Illustrator CC

Adobe Illustrator CC is designed as an industry standard vector graphics software which is allowing you to create logos, icons, typography, drawing as well as illustration designed for web, print, video, and mobile. This software developed by Adobe, which also developed Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Now you may imagine how this software work on big functions as an illustrator.

What to Know About Adobe Illustrator CC

To know the detail about Adobe Illustrator CC, you can simply scroll down the page and read the review.

Any Size for Iconic Work

The first thing you have to understand about this application is that it provides any size for iconic work. It means that you can optimize all of the drawing tools to turn simple shapes and color into the logos, icons, and graphics which are all sophisticated. Since this software is a type of illustrator artwork which is based on vector software, it can be able to scale down for billboard size and mobile screens. Therefore, it is considered featuring any size for iconic work.

Gorgeous Typography

The second feature of Adobe Illustrator CC which is very beneficial is the gorgeous typography. The best typo tools are provided in the software so that you can be able to add effects, manage styles, and edit the individual image in order to create a typographic design in perfection.

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Best Drawing Attention

Don’t forget to check out the next feature of the software which is the best drawing attention. This feature enables you to make a freehand drawing and trace as well as recolor the imported images to change them into the artworks. In this case, you can optimally use the printed pieces, presentation, websites, blogs, and social media for the support.

Pro Standard Power

Adobe Illustrator CC is also featuring pro standard power completed by the fast and precise tools as well as responsive performance. Thus, you will be able to focus on designing. You can also reuse the vector graphics across the documents for additional performance.

Visual Font Browsing

The next feature you can optimize for drawing is the visual font browsing. In this case, you will get easier to browse different font classes to search for the right font quickly. For more support, you can also search the different fonts out of the sample text which has been available, too.

Adobe Illustrator CC Latest Version
Adobe Illustrator CC Latest Version

Faster Zoom

Faster zoom is another feature you can derive just after you install Adobe Illustrator CC on your computer. The zoom feature has been improved in the special mode to allow you to watch when your canvas shrinks and grows in an increment way.


Overall, Adobe Illustrator CC is very good to install on your computer as your drawing software that really meets your needs.