Download Aptana Studio [Windows, Mac & Linux]

Developer Apache
License Free
Size 135 MB
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Download Aptana Studio Latest Version for Windows, Mac & Linux – If you are now enjoying browsing websites, have you ever thought who has made that website? Yeah, Aptana Studio is the one who works behind the screen. Aptana Studio is a company that creates web application development tools for Web 2.0 and Ajax for the usage with a lot of programming language.

Aptana Studio has dual licenses which are Aptana Public License and GNU General Public Licenses. Written in Java and JavaScript, Aptana Studio runs on Cross-platform. It was released on November 19, 2014, which is about 4 years ago.

Aptana Studio
Aptana Studio

Aptana Studio is also defined as an open source integrated development environment (IDE) for building web applications. According to Eclipse, it supports not only JavaScript but also HTML, DOM, and CCS with code-completion, outlining, debugging, error and warning notifications as well as integrated documentation. The availability of Aptana Studio is as a standalone on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux or as a plugin for Eclipse.

To know more about this software, please check out the following explanation which is divided into 2 main points:

Aptana Studio Language and Platform Support

Aptana Studio has language and platform support which includes:

  • PHP

The PHP application development is supported by Aptana Studio in terms of:

  • The syntax coloring based on on the selected theme which suits your preference. This is also supported by the syntax error annotations in which you can detect the error occurred so that you can make a correction as soon as possible.
  • Auto-indentation a code Formatting which is very useful to assist you for editing work.
  • Hyperlinks the classes, functions, and variables, which are done by hovering over the elements and pressing the Ctrl key.
  • Ruby on Rails

Aptana Studio is also available to support Ruby on Rails which include:

  • Integrated Ruby on Rails shell console
  • Default-install and configuration of the interpreter, database and debugger.
  • Code completion along with the type inferencing
  • Code assist
  • Full application of RDT
  • Python

There are also some supports available for Python which carries some advantages to use;

  • Color syntax highlighting
  • Code completion
  • Code outlining
  • Debugging
  • Unites integration.
  • Adobe Air and Nokia Web Runtime

Aptana Studio provides a consideration about the use of Adobe Air and Nokia Web Runtime which supports for developing rich mobile apps for Nokia S60 series.

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Aptana Studio Latest Version
Aptana Studio Latest Version

Aptana Studio Features

The features of Aptana Studio consist of at least 5 supports as follows:

  • Javascript Library Support

The JavaScript Library support includesAdoobe Spry, Ext JS, Aflax, Rico, Prototype, Mootools, jQuery, and many others which are all helpful and useful.

  • Code Assist

Similar to completing mode, Code assists presenting pop-up including the supported arguments for the function call which is being coded and the supported properties and methods on your wanted object.

  • Browser Support

The browser of Aptana Studio includes information on the browser for JavaScript methods, HTML elements, and CSS Properties.


FTP/SFTP supports for uploading, downloading, as well as synchronization using FTP and SFTP.

  • Debugger

The integrated JavaScript debugging for Firefox is also supported by Pro and community editions.


Conclusively, Aptana Studio not only presents language and platform support but also features that are all supporting all of the system and elements of a web.