Download DiskMaker X Latest Version For Free

Developer DiskMaker X
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There is a free app that can help you to make bootable USB offline. This free application is called as DiskMaker X. This application will help you to make a flash or USB Flashdrive offline. If you want to re-install a Windows laptop or a Windows computer, you must be familiar with Windows USB or DVD Download Tool, right? The official free application from Microsoft will make you able to use flash as a bootable USB installer. You can also use USB devices such as flash disk or USB Flash drive as a bootable USB installer for reinstallation purposes.

DiskMaker X Logo
DiskMaker X Logo

How to Use Diskmaker X?

When you want to make a bootable USB flash disk and USB installer, you need a third-party app. This free app is the one that you need to make a bootable USB flash disk. This application is free and it is also very similar to USB or DVD Download Tool. It may be said that DiskMaker X is like Mac USB Download Tool because the features and functions are similar. Moreover, the way it works is almost similar. How do you create a bootable USB Installer by using this app? The app is easy to use so you can create it just in several minutes.

DiskMaker X Latest Version
DiskMaker X Latest Version

To make the flash become a bootable USB installer, you just need to follow these easy steps in this article. First, make sure that you already download Diskmaker X. Plug in the Flashdisk that you will use to bootable USB installer. The flashback that will be used must have at least 8 GB of storage. After that, install the app. After the installation process is done, you can open the app. A small display appears that will ask which OS version you want to install. Choose the OS that you have. Try looking for another flash if the flash is not read automatically by clicking the button “Another Kind of Disk”.

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Confirm that the flash will be deleted and reformatted. Data will be deleted all and will be reformatted. Wait for the process to finish. The process can take several minutes to 30 minutes depending on the conditions. When the process is done, you will find a notification stating that the process is finished and the flash is ready for use. By using Diskmaker X to create bootable USB and reinstall the OS, then you can re-install many times without needing an internet connection. The app is easy to use, doesn’t need the internet connection, and the process can be quick too.