Download ExtractNow Latest Version for Windows

Developer ExtractNow
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If you already download so many archived files and need to extract them quickly. Then, you have to try the software called ExtractNow. Different from major file archiver software that focused on many features, this software point out one great feature only. If with the others you need to extract the archived files one by one, the ExtractNow will let you do multiple files extraction so you work will be quicker. Unfortunately, this free software is only compatible with Windows operating system but, it still means nothing because Windows is the great OS that most people operate. However, you can use this software in Mac OS on Linux using Wine.


ExtractNow Features

Thus, look into the following to get know more about the faithful software, ExtractNow:

  • Simple Interface

Firstly, let’s talk about the interface of it. It is designed simply in a small pane. There you can drag and drop the files that like to be extracted and click on the extract box commander below. It is very easy, right? Besides, ExtractNow block thumbs.db, desktop.ini or other files integrated kindly with Windows Explorer so thus you can simply do extraction by right-clicking and choose the menu to extract.

  • Supports the Major Archive Formats

The most major formats of archives are zip, rar, and gz. To take your work for extracting those formats,  ExtractNow support more than that. It supports so many other major formats such as ISO, BIN, IMG, IMA, IMZ, 7Z, ACE, JAR, GZ, LZH, LHA, TAR, and SIT archive formats. So, you don’t need to be confused again because it stands to lighten your extracting required files. Even the comic book archived format like cbr, rar5, and cbz have been covered in the latest version of ExtractNow.

  • Use Password List

The remarkable feature of this freeware is the use of the password list to discover the correct password of an archive. It means that you are allowed to unpack the protected archived files. Nevertheless, the password of those protected archives is associated when it is extracted. Thus, your file is keeping safe.

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ExtractNow Latest Version
ExtractNow Latest Version
  • Several Great Works

Another feature of this one purposed software is the ability to control what is happened after extraction. It can run particular programs when the extraction process is finished. Also, It can filter your files so that the unnecessary files like thumbs.db, desktop.ini or other files are blocked. Moreover, ExtractNow is also able to extract an archive within the archive automatically. In this case, you can kill two birds with one stone easily. Yet, you may also place the extracted files into a specified folder automatically by using template variables. Thus, you don’t have to search the folder first to find the extracted files. Besides, by ExtractNow you can substitute the thread. You may to either decrease the load on your computer while extracting or increase it in order to enhance the operation.

By all means, it is a simple software that will let you extract archived files easily and fast. Every  Windows OS user can use since it supports the multi-language interface. Otherwise, it also supports Lua scripting for your advanced customization.