Download Foxit Reader Latest Version [Windows, Mac & Linux]

Developer Foxit Software
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Foxit Reader is a multilingual PDF viewer, finder, and printer tool. The software allows users to design interactive PDF forms, insert pictures, add networks, add captions to PDFs, send PDFs, and more. An app is a free software. And since version 4.0 is launch, professional features have been added for free without the need for additional licenses. This app is created and developed by Foxit Corporation which is a company founded in 2001 and concentrating on the development of a PDF support technology platform. The company has its headquarters in Fremont, USA, and is already operating in several countries such as China, Belgium, Japan and Taiwan.

Foxit Reader
Foxit Reader

The new version of Foxit Reader is available on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. This app allows Windows versions 7, 8, and 10. This app also supports U3 smart drives when used in Windows 2000 or Windows XP. In addition, there is also a trial version for Linux. Foxit has a simple look. The toolbar in this app such as the file, edit, view, document, tools, windows, help is easy to use. Opening a pdf file using this app provide maximum results compared to using adobe reader especially if the files that you open display many animations. But by using this app, the system is not too heavy at work, because this reader app does not use any memory. Furthermore, the time loading is not too long. You can open the application file quickly without having to load the plug-in first. This reader app is able to match the speed of Adobe Reader in the opening.

Great Features of Foxit Reader

The features offered in this app have minimized the app, search for PDF documents, selecting words via mouse, works with bookmarks, able to select text easily, displays the PDF in original paper size, eliminate all evaluation marks at once, repairs to many deficiencies and damage, and it has many other features. The version 2.3 offers comment text tool, bookmark design, magnifier, multimedia player support, callout and text box tool, opening documents with multi-tab, OCG support, rulers and guides, FDF Related, and Automatic scroll.

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Foxit Reader Latest Version
Foxit Reader Latest Version

The version 3.0 offers layout panel, enticing multimedia design, metric unit support, Firefox support, thumbnail panel, attachment panel, awe-Inspiring Foxit on-demand content management, automatic scroll with a middle mouse button. Foxit Reader for the version 3.1 offers more great features such as document restrictions, Internet search, comments panel, supports MSAA, summarizing comments, streamlined UI, and favorite toolbar. The version 3.2 offers logical page number support, undo and redo, repairs to many deficiencies and damage, able to print documents in greyscale, expand current bookmark, and improved printing process.

And now we reach the version 4.0 which has features such as develop safe mode setting, adding more professional features, as well as repairs to many deficiencies and damage. The version 4.1 offers fixed the flaws and problems in version 4.0. And the next version which is version 4.2 offers to improve security system with ASLR & DEP, verify the digital signature, as well as repairs to many deficiencies and damage. Each new version of Foxit Reader, the developer always give new feature and fix the problem in the previous version.