Download LibreOffice Latest Version [Windows, Mac & Linux]

Developer The Document Foundation
License Free
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Have you already know the term of LibreOffice? It is the free and open source software which is used by a large and devoted user community. It is the document foundation which presents some system requirements covering Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS (Mac OS X), GNU/Linux, Android/Linux, and other OS. This software suite consists of LibreOffice Writer which has the same function as Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Calc which has the same function as Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice Impress which has the same function as Microsoft PowerPoint, LibreOffice Draw, LibreOffice Base, and LibreOffice Math.


Now let’s go to the explanation of easy system requirements in detail.

LibreOffice for Microsoft Windows

The software and hardware of Microsoft Windows as one of the LibreOffice’s systems requirements are completed by Microsoft Windows7 SP1, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 or Windows 10. It is also Pentium-compatible PC (Pentium III, Athlon or more-recent system recommended). This makes you able to run on typing using the great windows without any significant difficulty.

The RAM is noted to be 256 MB (512 MB RAM recommended). This RAM has proved to be enough to run on the Windows and do working matter. Moreover, the hard disk space which is available is up to 1.5 GB. It helps you save the documents very well.

This software has also a high resolution which is 1024 x 768 along with 256 colors. This is very good to support the use of Microsoft Widows maximally. However, if you use this software, it is best suggested that you back up your data and system before you remove as well as install the software. It is so to save your data in order not to lose them.

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LibreOffice for Apple macOS (Mac OS X)

Another system requirement of LibreOffice is Apple macOS.  It includes macOS 10.9 (Mountain Lion) or higher, Intel processor, 512 MB RAM and the available hard disk which is up to 800 MB. In addition, Apple macOS as 1024 x 768 graphics device with 256 colors. It is considered higher and recommended as you will get easy to use this software like Microsoft Windows.

LibreOffice Latest Version
LibreOffice Latest Version

For certain features of this software, Java is the one that is required. However, it carries some restrictions that you must pay attention, too.

LibreOffice for GNU/Linux

The third system requirement of LibreOffice is GNU or it is best well-known as Linux.  It is recommended that you install LibreOffice through the suggested methods given by particular Linux distribution. This is to simplify the installation which is integrated into your system. When you install Linux as your operating system, LibreOffice may already be installed by default too.

The software and hardware of GNU/Linux include the Linux kernel version 2.618 or higher, glibc2 version 2.5 or higher and gtk version 2.10.4 or higher. GNU/Linux is also compatible in its Pentium, particularly Pentium III supported by Athlon or more-recent system recommended).  The RAM is 256 MB along with the hard disk space which is up to 1.55 GB. These requirements are considered good to run on the Linux to help you do with the works. Moreover, the higher resolution is 1024 x 768 along with 256 colors makes you able to easily carry out the software for your need.


It is concluded that LibreOffice proves good as an open score of software which is very helpful and useful.

Download LibreOffice Latest Version