Download Speccy Latest Version for Windows

Developer Piriform Software
License Free
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Why do you need to use Speccy? This software is actually a small utility that can provide information on the contents of your PC. The usefulness of this software can be illustrated in situations where you buy a branded PC or laptop and you want to know what is inside the PC. Having an incomplete computer without knowing the specifications or the contents in there is not good. By knowing the machine components inside, users can estimate whether the money spent is equivalent to the specifications obtained or not. To check the computer specifications, you can use some tools and the steps are easy. Usually, when you are looking for the tutorial on the Internet, it will direct you to open Control panel or use Direct X Diagnostic Tool.


Overview of Speccy

Viewing computer specifications on the control panel menu is incomplete because of the limited data available. Meanwhile, looking at computer specifications through the Diagnostic Tool is somewhat complicated for most people. The solution is to use third-party software. Here the user can use this software. You have to download and install the software first. Once installed, the software can be opened. Wait a minute until the software displays all computer specifications completely. This software is made by a third party. The data provided through the software is more informative and more complete so that even you can understand and use the software easily.

The feature on Speccy

  • Operating System

The user can see what Operating System installed on the computer complete with version and serial number.

  • RAM
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The RAM menu is useful for knowing the type and capacity of computer RAM memory.

  • CPU

The CPU menu is useful for displaying the main machine of the computer. CPU info includes the type, brand, speed, and the number of cores or cores of the CPU.

Speccy Latest Version
Speccy Latest Version
  • Graphic

A handy menu for knowing the type and strength of a computer graphics card.

  • Motherboard

The user can know the type and type of motherboard. In addition, users can also see which slots are available and view the system BIOS.

  • Storage

Storage is a data storage memory covering all the existing partitions on the computer.

  • Peripheral

Peripheral is a variety of computer support devices ranging from mouse, keyboard, printer, and others.

  • Optical Drive

Useful for displaying DVD RW, CD RW and such if it’s on the computer.

  • Audio

The Audio menu will display a variety of Audio devices installed in the computer.

  • Network

Network menu is useful for viewing network owned by computer along with its info. IP address of the computer can also be seen here

Speecy itself has a design that is easy to understand and use. You simply run this app from your desktop then wait a bit. After that, you will get various pieces of information from your PC. Speccy is a very useful mini software to view the peripherals content of your PC. The design is simple but this software has great features. You can get it for free.

Download Speccy Latest Version