Download IObit Random Password Generator Latest Version

Developer IObit
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Did you know that IObit Random Password Generator is very good to create a powerful password? Along with the IObit security technology, this software offers you an ability to create a powerful password as well as the easy way of managing the password tool. Therefore, you will find no troublesome passwords if you install this software.

IObit Random Password Generator

Designed with the security option, IObit Random Password Generator enables you to make a random, powerful and safe password you can use on your computer. This is aimed to keep your privacy over the data you stored in your PC.

IObit Random Password Generator Features

Below are the features you have to check out to ensure that the software is quite considerable. Check them out now!

Master Password

The master password is the first feature you have to run. It is because before you run the IObit Random Password Generator, you are required to create a master password. The master password is very important and requested every time you want to run this software. Thus, you may say that before using the software, creating a master password is the first step to do. f

Password Checkers

Added by password checkers feature, it lets you able to recognize how strong the password you have just created. This feature will remind and notify you whether your password is low so that you can improve the password to enhance security and safety. However, if your password is already strong, you can just run anything you want.

IObit Random Password Generator Built-in Privacy Protection

Dealing with privacy protection, it also features built-in privacy protection in term of a front box completed with the password. This is aimed to enable the tool to keep your password. This way, you can manage those who may want to use your computer.

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Along with this feature, none can use and access your computer unless you let him/her know your password. It is very useful when you have some private or personal data you want to keep well on the computer. Optimizing this feature enables you to do that.

IObit Random Password Generator

Generating Password

Dealing with the requirement to create a password, the crucial thing to do is definitely to generate the password. Here are the things you should do:

  1. In the first tab you open, please specify the length of the password, the character set and how many passwords you want to create.
  2. Make a click on “Create Password” to generate the password.
  3. The password you have created will appear to your screen.
  4. If you find your password weak, click on the “Regenerate” button and you will be provided with the chance to set a new password.
  5. This way, you can keep generating the password until you find the one that is much comfortable for you.


In conclusion, this software is good to install dealing with the way you create a password for your computer. Using this software will let you have a powerful password so that there will no troublesome you can find when you are setting up a password.

Download IObit Random Password Generator Latest Version