Download jGRASP Latest Version [Windows, Mac & Linux]

Developer Auburn University
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Perhaps, you have never heard about this software. Nevertheless, some users who have been familiar with software will see that this app is considerable to install on the computer.

The simple way of understanding is like this. If you want to provide an automatic generation of an application or software to improve the comprehensibility of your software, jGRASP can be the right option to consider. Before we are going further about this app, let’s find out how this app was created.


Stably released on February 12, 2018, which is only one year ago, jGRASP is designed as a lightweight development for the environment to make an automatic software visualization available for you. It was created by James Cross and Larry Barowski at the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering located in Auburn University.

jGRASP is much implemented in Java and operating on all platforms including Windows, Linux, MacOS, and etc. This software is aimed to result from static visualizations of source code structure and visualizations. Now you may check out the following explanation about what you can get from this software.

jGRASP Features


The first benefits you can definitely derive form jGRASP is the visualization. In this case, you have to know about the Control Structure Diagram (CSD). It is a diagram which is to control the flow and fits the space in the source code. This is a way to make the source code more readable.

To visualize your software, this jGRASP produces CSD for C, C++, Java, Objective-C, HDL, and Ada. This way, CSDs which are produced by this software are integrated with the source code editing windows. You can actually generate your CSD on demand.

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Along with the visualization, you will be able to operate your software easily without more problems coming up to obstruct your working with the computer programming.

jGRASP Latest Version
jGRASP Latest Version

The Complexity Profile Graph

The second thing about this software that you may derive is the complexity profile graph which is known as CPG. It is a complexity diagram about the unique statement-level. This diagram is made by a purpose to help you identify the complex source code area.

Like CSD, CPG is integrated with the editing windows in jGRASP. Thus, the CPG highlighting section will also highlight the source code correspondence section. This integration can be carried out vice versa.

UML Diagrams Generation for Java

jGRASP is also considered able to generate UML diagrams for Java. What does it mean? Well, it means that an interactive functionality can be added to the UML diagrams by simply clicking on the edge of the dependency. In a separate pane, this action will enable you to display all of the dependencies between two classes. As a result, it is very possible to be listed and visited.


Overall, you may conclude that jGRASP is good to install on your computer in order to visualize your software automatically. It deals with how to make your source code more readable so that you can be able to edit your windows you have installed on your computer.

Download jGRASP Latest Version