Download R-Linux Data Recovery and File Undelete

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Sometimes, we accidentally delete certain files. Deleting this can mean deletion operations, or overwrite (overwrite), or delete part of the contents of the file intentionally or unintentionally. Well, it turns out there are ways to do recovery on these files. You just need to download and install R-Linux. It is one of the best data recovery apps for Linux and fortunately this software also available for Windows OS.


Basically, there are two basic Linux commands used, namely grep and dd. First, we need to search with certain search keys using the grep command. Here’s an example of the command: sudo grep -a -b “search-key-here” / dev / sda1. The -a parameter means that the search is carried out with the assumption that the file type sought is a text file. The second parameter -b is used to display the byte offset that will be used in the next command. The third parameter is the search key that you must adjust to the search key that you are doing. Finally, / dev / sda1 is the name of the hard drive partition where the file is located.

However, since these tips are too much for some people, we think that it’s better for you to use software whenever you want to recover data.  Here is a way to restore deleted data on PC by using the application. The data recovery application works similar to the way the Recycle Bin works on a computer in general. This app is one of the best applications that can be used to restore accidentally deleted files on your device. This app is also very easy to use thanks to the user-friendly interface. If you check on the internet, there are many reviews that said this app is very great to recover data on Linux and Windows. This is why we recommend you.

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How to Use R-Linux to Recover Your Data

Here’s how to use this data recovery software to restore deleted data on your PC device.

  1. The first thing you need to do is download this application and then install it.
  2. Install R-Linux as your data recovery app and follow all installation instructions
  3. By default, options will be extracted as below, if you want to recover certain files we can choose by simply checking the file type
  4. Turn on your PC as a local admin. Before running the application, first, check what files are on the disk that we will scan
  5. Open R-Linux and select the menu in the left sidebar.
  6. After that, select the “Recycle Bin” section and then tap to activate it.
  7. Now, if you want to restore deleted files, you only need to tap the Recycle Bin from the left sidebar and this application will bring up all the files that you have deleted.
  8. Then restore the file that we will recover
  9. Select the local drive to be restored
  10. After the scan has finished selecting the file to be restored and then clicking recover
  11. Determine where the file you restore will be saved
  12. The recovery process is complete
  13. You can use your lost data again

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