Download Wondershare SafeEraser [Windows & Mac]

Developer Wondershare
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When you want to give away your mobile phone and yet you are worried that it still contains personal data and information, you may want to consider using Wondershare SafeEraser to do the task. There are tons of data erasers out there but only a few of them are truly efficient and functioning well. The data eraser software is able to protect the mobile phone from prying eyes or mischievous intention. Like its name this software developed by Wondershare. So, what can this software be used for?

Wondershare SafeEraser
Wondershare SafeEraser

Wondershare SafeEraser: The Deal with Removed and Erased Data

There are times when you probably want to do something good, like giving away your mobile phone. You probably want to give it for a donation or you want to pass it down to your kids or your nephews or nieces, or other family members. You make sure that you have deleted all of the important information and data, but there are still concerns that the data isn’t completely removed – and you are worried that the data can be recovered by the new owner. After all, recovering the deleted data is always possible if you know how and you know what kind of technology to use.

This is when the Wondershare SafeEraser can be handy. The software contains a wealth of logins, banking info, emails, and much more. This software is able to erase the deleted files permanently. It is able to clear out caches, browsing history, and protect the personal info. With this software, you can be sure that your crucial data is gone for good and it won’t be misused by other people.

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The Benefits of Using the Software

There are some benefits that you can enjoy from this Wondershare SafeEraser:

  • You can always delete and remove the data permanently. Even with the free service, you can efficiently delete all the data without having it recovered. Some users have tried this by deleting the data and then use several recovery tools to recover it. It turns out that the software is able to do the work very well and in a satisfying manner.
  • You can delete the files selectively. Unlike other data erasers that can’t perform such a selective task, this software surprisingly can do the task very well. You only need to choose which files or data to choose and voila! You are good to go.
  • You can erase the data without having to worry that it may affect other data.
  • The software supports many types of files and it can run very well without interruption.
Wondershare SafeEraser Latest Version
Wondershare SafeEraser Latest Version

The Downsides

Just like other programs, be prepared to deal with some flaws and downsides, such as:

  • It isn’t free software. Yes, you can try the trial version but it only lasts for a short time span. If you want to enjoy it longer, you will have to pay.
  • The price is a bit higher. When compared to other data erasers, this one is pretty expensive. And when you do buy it, you will have to pay for the tax too.

All in all, this software is pretty reliable and handy despite all the downsides. It is up to you whether to choose Wondershare SafeEraser for your data eraser or not.